Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Semantic Labels-Aware Transformer Model for Searching over a Large Collection of Lecture-Slides
    Jobin, K. V.
    Jawahar, C. V.
    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) enable easy access to many educational materials, particularly lecture slides, on the web. Searching through them based on user queries becomes an essential problem due to the availability of such vast information. To address this, we present Lecture Slide Deck Search Engine - a model that supports natural language queries and hand-drawn sketches and performs searches on a large collection of slide images on computer science topics. This search engine is trained using a novel semantic label-aware transformer model that extracts the semantic labels in the slide images and seamlessly encodes them with the visual cues from the slide images and textual cues from the natural language query. Further, to study the problem in a challenging setting, we introduce a novel dataset, namely the Lecture Slide Deck (LecSD) Dataset containing 54K slide images from the Data Structure, Computer Networks, and Optimization courses and provide associated manual annotation for the query in the form of natural language or hand-drawn sketch. The proposed Lecture Slide Deck Search Engine outperforms the competitive baselines and achieves nearly 4% superior Recall@1 on an absolute scale compared to the state-of-the-art approach. We firmly believe that this work will open up promising directions for improving the accessibility and usability of educational resources, enabling students and educators to find and utilize lecture materials more effectively.
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    Towards Making Flowchart Images Machine Interpretable
    Shukla, Shreya
    Gatti, Prajwal
    Kumar, Yogesh
    Yadav, Vikash
    Computer programming textbooks and software documentations often contain flowcharts to illustrate the flow of an algorithm or procedure. Modern OCR engines often tag these flowcharts as graphics and ignore them in further processing. In this paper, we work towards making flowchart images machine-interpretable by converting them to executable Python codes. To this end, inspired by the recent success in natural language to code generation literature, we present a novel transformer-based framework, namely FloCo-T5. Our model is well-suited for this task, as it can effectively learn semantics, structure, and patterns of programming languages, which it leverages to generate syntactically correct code. We also used a task-specific pre-training objective to pre-train FloCo-T5 using a large number of logic-preserving augmented code samples. Further, to perform a rigorous study of this problem, we introduce the FloCo dataset that contains 11,884 flowchart images and their corresponding Python codes. Our experiments show promising results, and FloCo-T5 clearly outperforms related competitive baselines on code generation metrics. We make our dataset and implementation publicly available ( ).
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    Answer Mining from a Pool of Images: Towards Retrieval-Based Visual Question Answering
    Penamakuri, Abhirama Subramanyam
    Gupta, Manish
    Das Gupta, Mithun
    We study visual question answering in a setting where the answer has to be mined from a pool of relevant and irrelevant images given as a context. For such a setting, a model must first retrieve relevant images from the pool and answer the question from these retrieved images. We refer to this problem as retrieval-based visual question answering (or RETVQA in short). The RETVQA is distinctively different and more challenging than the traditionally-studied Visual Question Answering (VQA), where a given question has to be answered with a single relevant image in context. Towards solving the RETVQA task, we propose a unified Multi Image BART (MI-BART) that takes a question and retrieved images using our relevance encoder for free-form fluent answer generation. Further, we introduce the largest dataset in this space, namely RETVQA, which has the following salient features: multi-image and retrieval requirement for VQA, metadata-independent questions over a pool of heterogeneous images, expecting a mix of classification-oriented and open-ended generative answers. Our proposed framework achieves an accuracy of 76.5% and a fluency of 79.3% on the proposed dataset, namely RETVQA and also outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 4.9% and 11.8% on the image segment of the publicly available WebQA dataset on the accuracy and fluency metrics, respectively.
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    Composite Sketch+Text Queries for Retrieving Objects with Elusive Names and Complex Interactions
    Gatti, Prajwal
    Parikh, Kshitij
    Paul, Dhriti Prasanna
    Gupta, Manish
    Non-native speakers with limited vocabulary often struggle to name specific objects despite being able to visualize them, e.g., people outside Australia searching for 'numbats.' Further, users may want to search for such elusive objects with difficult-to-sketch interactions, e.g., “numbat digging in the ground.” In such common but complex situations, users desire a search interface that accepts composite multimodal queries comprising hand-drawn sketches of “difficult-to-name but easy-to-draw” objects and text describing “difficult-to-sketch but easy-to-verbalize” object's attributes or interaction with the scene. This novel problem statement distinctly differs from the previously well-researched TBIR (text-based image retrieval) and SBIR (sketch-based image retrieval) problems. To study this under-explored task, we curate a dataset, CSTBIR (Composite Sketch+Text Based Image Retrieval), consisting of ∼2M queries and 108K natural scene images. Further, as a solution to this problem, we propose a pretrained multimodal transformer-based baseline, STNET (Sketch+Text Network), that uses a hand-drawn sketch to localize relevant objects in the natural scene image, and encodes the text and image to perform image retrieval. In addition to contrastive learning, we propose multiple training objectives that improve the performance of our model. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art retrieval methods for text-only, sketch-only, and composite query modalities. We make the dataset and code available at:
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    VISTOT: Vision-Augmented Table-to-Text Generation
    Gatti, Prajwal
    Gupta, Manish
    Gupta, Mithun Das
    Table-to-text generation has been widely studied in the Natural Language Processing community in the recent years. We give a new perspective to this problem by incorporating signals from both tables as well as associated images to generate relevant text. While tables contain a structured list of facts, images are a rich source of unstructured visual information. For example, in the tourism domain, images can be used to infer knowledge such as the type of landmark (e.g., church), its architecture (e.g., Ancient Roman), and composition (e.g., white marble). Therefore, in this paper, we introduce the novel task of Vision-augmented Table-To-Text Generation (VISTOT), defined as follows: given a table and an associated image, produce a descriptive sentence conditioned on the multimodal input. For the task, we present a novel multimodal table-to-text dataset, WIKILANDMARKS, covering 73, 084 unique world landmarks. Further, we also present a competitive architecture, namely, VT3 that generates accurate sentences conditioned on the image and table pairs. Through extensive analyses and experiments, we show that visual cues from images are helpful in (i) inferring missing information from incomplete or sparse tables, and (ii) strengthening the importance of useful information from noisy tables for natural language generation. We make the code and data publicly available.
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    Sketch-Guided Object Localization in Natural Images
    Tripathi, Aditay
    Dani, Rajath R.
    Chakraborty, Anirban
    We introduce a novel problem of localizing all the instances of an object (seen or unseen during training) in a natural image via sketch query. We refer to this problem as sketch-guided object localization. This problem is distinctively different from the traditional sketch-based image retrieval task where the gallery set often contains images with only one object. The sketch-guided object localization proves to be more challenging when we consider the following: (i) the sketches used as queries are abstract representations with little information on the shape and salient attributes of the object, (ii) the sketches have significant variability as they are hand-drawn by a diverse set of untrained human subjects, and (iii) there exists a domain gap between sketch queries and target natural images as these are sampled from very different data distributions. To address the problem of sketch-guided object localization, we propose a novel cross-modal attention scheme that guides the region proposal network (RPN) to generate object proposals relevant to the sketch query. These object proposals are later scored against the query to obtain final localization. Our method is effective with as little as a single sketch query. Moreover, it also generalizes well to object categories not seen during training and is effective in localizing multiple object instances present in the image. Furthermore, we extend our framework to a multi-query setting using novel feature fusion and attention fusion strategies introduced in this paper. The localization performance is evaluated on publicly available object detection benchmarks, viz. MS-COCO and PASCAL-VOC, with sketch queries obtained from ‘Quick, Draw!’. The proposed method significantly outperforms related baselines on both single-query and multi-query localization tasks.
    Scopus© Citations 8
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    From strings to things: Knowledge-enabled VQA model that can read and reason
    Singh, Ajeet Kumar
    Shekhar, Shashank
    Chakraborty, Anirban
    Text present in images are not merely strings, they provide useful cues about the image. Despite their utility in better image understanding, scene texts are not used in traditional visual question answering (VQA) models. In this work, we present a VQA model which can read scene texts and perform reasoning on a knowledge graph to arrive at an accurate answer. Our proposed model has three mutually interacting modules: I. proposal module to get word and visual content proposals from the image, ii. fusion module to fuse these proposals, question and knowledge base to mine relevant facts, and represent these facts as multi-relational graph, iii. reasoning module to perform a novel gated graph neural network based reasoning on this graph. The performance of our knowledge-enabled VQA model is evaluated on our newly introduced dataset, viz. text-KVQA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dataset which identifies the need for bridging text recognition with knowledge graph based reasoning. Through extensive experiments, we show that our proposed method outperforms traditional VQA as well as question-answering over knowledge base-based methods on text-KVQA.
    Scopus© Citations 38
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    Query-guided Attention in Vision Transformers for Localizing Objects Using a Single Sketch
    Tripathi, Aditay
    Chakraborty, Anirban
    In this study, we explore sketch-based object localization on natural images. Given a crude hand-drawn object sketch, the task is to locate all instances of that object in the target image. This problem proves difficult due to the abstract nature of hand-drawn sketches, variations in the style and quality of sketches, and the large domain gap between the sketches and the natural images. Existing solutions address this using attention-based frameworks to merge query information into image features. Yet, these methods often integrate query features after independently learning image features, causing inadequate alignment and as a result incorrect localization. In contrast, we propose a novel sketch-guided vision transformer encoder that uses cross-attention after each block of the transformer-based image encoder to learn query-conditioned image features, leading to stronger alignment with the query sketch. Further, at the decoder's output, object and sketch features are refined better to align the representation of objects with the sketch query, thereby improving localization. The proposed model also generalizes to the object categories not seen during training, as the target image features learned by the proposed model are query-aware. Our framework can utilize multiple sketch queries via a trainable novel sketch fusion strategy. The model is evaluated on the images from the public benchmark, MS-COCO, using the sketch queries from QuickDraw! and Sketchy datasets. Compared with existing localization methods, the proposed approach gives a 6.6% and 8.0% improvement in mAP for seen objects using sketch queries from QuickDraw! and Sketchy datasets, respectively, and a 12.2% improvement in AP@50 for large objects that are 'unseen' during training. The code is available at
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    Look, Read and Ask: Learning to Ask Questions by Reading Text in Images
    Jahagirdar, Soumya
    Gangisetty, Shankar
    We present a novel problem of text-based visual question generation or TextVQG in short. Given the recent growing interest of the document image analysis community in combining text understanding with conversational artificial intelligence, e.g., text-based visual question answering, TextVQG becomes an important task. TextVQG aims to generate a natural language question for a given input image and an automatically extracted text also known as OCR token from it such that the OCR token is an answer to the generated question. TextVQG is an essential ability for a conversational agent. However, it is challenging as it requires an in-depth understanding of the scene and the ability to semantically bridge the visual content with the text present in the image. To address TextVQG, we present an OCR-consistent visual question generation model that Looks into the visual content, Reads the scene text, and Asks a relevant and meaningful natural language question. We refer to our proposed model as OLRA. We perform an extensive evaluation of OLRA on two public benchmarks and compare them against baselines. Our model – OLRA automatically generates questions similar to the public text-based visual question answering datasets that were curated manually. Moreover, we ‘significantly’ outperform baseline approaches on the performance measures popularly used in text generation literature.
    Scopus© Citations 1
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    Grounding Scene Graphs on Natural Images via Visio-Lingual Message Passing
    Tripathi, Aditay
    Chakraborty, Anirban
    This paper presents a framework for jointly grounding objects that follow certain semantic relationship constraints given in a scene graph. A typical natural scene contains several objects, often exhibiting visual relationships of varied complexities between them. These inter-object relationships provide strong contextual cues towards improving grounding performance compared to a traditional object query-only-based localization task. A scene graph is an efficient and structured way to represent all the objects and their semantic relationships in the image. In an attempt towards bridging these two modalities representing scenes and utilizing contextual information for improving object localization, we rigorously study the problem of grounding scene graphs on natural images. To this end, we propose a novel graph neural network-based approach referred to as Visio-Lingual Message Passing Graph Neural Network (VL-MPAG Net). In VL-MPAG Net, we first construct a directed graph with object proposals as nodes and an edge between a pair of nodes representing a plausible relation between them. Then a three-step inter-graph and intra-graph message passing is performed to learn the context- dependent representation of the proposals and query objects. These object representations are used to score the proposals to generate object localization. The proposed method significantly outperforms the baselines on four public datasets.
    Scopus© Citations 1