Review of the rose essential oil extraction by hydrodistillation: An investigation for the optimum operating condition for maximum yield
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
Date Issued
Katekar, Vikrant P.
Rao, Anand B.
Sardeshpande, Vishal R.
Rose oil is the most popular essential oil among the many essential oils since its numerous and varied benefits. As a result, rose oil is extracted all over the globe. Calculating the best sample mass and corresponding solvent volume for maximum rose oil output from petals is vital. In addition, estimating the least amount of electricity required to operate a hydrodistillation facility is critical. The current research is being conducted to evaluate these characteristics. According to this investigation, the greatest yield of 0.069% was found for a sample size of 0.25 kg and a solvent volume of 0.75 L. For these working circumstances, the power consumption was 300 W, and the distillation time was 1.5 h. The equation given by the regression analysis as ‘Distillation yield (%) = 0.1078 - 0.0321 Sample size (kg) + 0.01377 Solvent quantity (L) - 0.000108 Power (W) - 0.00745 Distillation time (hr)’. The error data demonstrate that the yield predicted by the regression equation is pretty accurate, making it useful for researchers and industry personnel to anticipate the yield value of their operating conditions. Rose essential oil and rose water are in high demand; as a result, the production of rose essential oil and rose water is a lucrative source of revenue for rural communities. The distillation technology used to obtain rose oil is energy-intensive and has a considerable environmental impact. Consequently, a renewable energy-powered essential oil extraction system must be designed and deployed to protect the environment.