ZnO Nanoneedle Based Efficient UV-Photodetector
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Date Issued
Memon, U. B.
Ibrahim, A.
Roy, S.
Duttaguptta, S. P.
Kale, S.
This article reports the fabrication and characterization of nano-structured ITO/ZnO ultraviolet photodetector. A ZnO thin film was deposited by spray pyrolysis technique followed by interdigitated ITO as electrode deposition by RF sputter. Grazing angle x-ray diffraction (GIXRD) study indicates preferential growth along c-axis (002) of thin-film leading nanoneedle formation which was further confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of Oxygen 1s (O 1s) was carried out. A peak was observed at 531.8 eV indicating the presence of oxygen vacancy, 530 eV peak relates to the ZnO phase. The bandgap was determined by the Tauc plot; which was found to be 3.22eV. The donor carrier concentration is found to be 8.85x1018 cm-3 based on room temperature Hall measurement. A near ohmic behaviour was observed which can be interpreted by the existence of high carrier concentration in ZnO. This results in a very thin depletion width of the order of 5nm; therefore, charge transport through the junction is dominated by tunnelling of electrons through depletion width.