Exploiting post-silicon debug hardware to improve the fault coverage of Software Test Libraries
Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium
Date Issued
Cantoro, Riccardo
Garau, Francesco
Masante, Riccardo
Sartoni, Sandro
Singh, Virendra
Reorda, Matteo Sonza
Functional test using a Software Test Library (STL) is becoming a standard solution for the in-field test of safety-critical systems, in compliance with functional safety standards, such as the ISO26262 for the automotive domain. However, developing high-quality test programs is considerably more challenging than generating scan test patterns through commercial tools, mainly due to the lack of mature EDA tools. As a result, in many cases, the effort needed to reach the target fault coverage is not affordable. In this paper, we propose a methodology to improve the fault coverage of an STL using already available hardware resources. The proposed approach identifies the set of sequential cells that capture fault effects before being masked during their propagation towards observable points. Using a heuristic set covering approach, we select the subset of flip-flops needed to reach the target fault coverage, and exploit post-silicon debug hardware to make fault effects observable. Experimental results gathered on an open-source RISC-V core show significant improvements in the stuck-at and delay fault coverage values.