Self assembly of large area 3D photonic crystals
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Date Issued
Ahirwar, S.
Saxena, S.
Shukla, S.
Three dimensional (3D) photonic crystals (PhCs) are important for many applications such as photon confinement, optical switching, bio-sensing etc. Their unique property arises from the periodic arrangement of micro/submicro-meter particles. There is a lack of simple method to fabricate the same. Here we present a simple method to fabricate uniform, large area 3D PhCs using polystyrene (PS) nanospheres by self- assembly method. PS nanospheres (150-200 nm) were synthesized using styrene monomer by wet chemical method. Size tunability of PS nanospheres has been achieved by changing the cross linking agent concentration. Finally self-assembly was utilized for PhC fabrication.