Point Cloud-Based Finite Element Model for Interaction of Ultrasonic Guided Waves with Non-uniform Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
Date Issued
Shetty, Shanmukha
Banerjee, Sauvik
Tallur, Siddharth
Desai, Yogesh M.
Corrosion-induced degradation at the steel–concrete interface (SCI) is spatially and temporally non-uniform in nature owing to the morphological changes it undergoes in a corroding environment. Several assumptions have been made in the literature to simplify numerical methods for simulating corrosion-induced damage. However, assumptions such as uniform mass loss, uniform thickness of the rust, and linear rate of corrosion, fail to capture the actual state of degradation at the SCI resulting in unrealistic simulations. While ultrasonic guided wave technique is widely used as a potential nondestructive tool for characterization of interfacial degradation, the impact of non-uniform degradation resulting from corrosion pits and rust formation on guided wave characteristics at the SCI has not been investigated. In the present work, the corroding SCI is modelled using a simulated point cloud which is generated from a multi-physics finite element (FE) model. Its impact on guided wave characteristics is investigated to establish realistic modelling practices at various phases of corrosion. It is found that the best modelling practice will be to model considering three different phases i.e. the first being ‘initiation phase’ as rust with three times the volume loss due to corrosion (RF3V), the second being ‘progression phase’ as a rust filled disjoint (RFD) followed by disjoint type (DT) and the third being ‘diameter reduction phase’ as disjoint type (DT). The energy envelops of guided wave signals for various phases of corrosion obtained from the proposed modelling sequence are compared with those obtained experimentally from an accelerated corrosion setup. The comparision shows good agreement between both the results. The guided wave characteristics are correlated with the maximum pit depth which forms the basis for nondestructive evaluation of the current state of corrosion induced strength degradation at SCI and it has valuable applications in the field of service life estimation of corroding reinforced concrete (RC).