Hollywood Identity Bias Dataset: A Context Oriented Bias Analysis of Movie Dialogues
2022 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, LREC 2022
Date Issued
Singh, Sandhya
Roy, Prapti
Sahoo, Nihar
Mallela, Niteesh
Gupta, Himanshu
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak
Savagaonkar, Milind
Ramnani, Roshni
Maitra, Anutosh
Sengupta, Shubhashis
Warning: This paper contains content that may be offensive or upsetting however this cannot be avoided owing to the nature of the work. Movies reflect society and also hold power to transform opinions. Social biases and stereotypes present in movies can cause extensive damage due to their reach. These biases are not always found to be the need of storyline but can creep in as the author's bias. Movie production houses would prefer to ascertain that the bias present in a script is the story's demand. Today, when deep learning models can give human-level accuracy in multiple tasks, having an AI solution to identify the biases present in the script at the writing stage can help them avoid the inconvenience of stalled release, lawsuits, etc. Since AI solutions are data intensive and there exists no domain specific data to address the problem of biases in scripts, we introduce a new dataset of movie scripts that are annotated for identity bias. The dataset contains dialogue turns annotated for (i) bias labels for seven categories, viz., gender, race/ethnicity, religion, age, occupation, LGBTQ, and other, which contains biases like body shaming, personality bias, etc. (ii) labels for sensitivity, stereotype, sentiment, emotion, emotion intensity, (iii) all labels annotated with context awareness, (iv) target groups and reason for bias labels and (v) expert-driven group-validation process for high quality annotations. We also report various baseline performances for bias identification and category detection on our dataset.