A Schwarz Lemma for the Symmetrized Polydisc Via Estimates on Another Family of Domains
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Date Issued
Pal, Sourav
Roy, Samriddho
We make some sharp estimates to obtain a Schwarz lemma for the symmetrized polydiscGn, a family of domains naturally associated with the spectral interpolation, defined by Gn:={(∑1≤i≤nzi,∑1≤i<j≤nzizj…,∏i=1nzi):|zi|<1,i=1,…,n}.We first make a few estimates for the the extended symmetrized polydiscG~ n, a family of domains introduced in [35] and defined in the following way: G~n:={(y1,…,yn-1,q)∈Cn:q∈D,yj=βj+β¯n-jq,βj∈Cand|βj|+|βn-j|<(nj)forj=1,…,n-1}.We then show that these estimates are sharp and provide a Schwarz lemma for G~ n. It is easy to verify that Gn= G~ n for n= 1 , 2 and that Gn⊊ G~ n for n≥ 3. As a consequence of the estimates for Gn~ , we have analogous estimates for Gn. Since for a point (s1, … , sn-1, p) ∈ Gn, (ni) is the least upper bound for | si| , which is same for | yi| for any (y1, … , yn-1, q) ∈ Gn~ , 1 ≤ i≤ n- 1 , the estimates become sharp for Gn too. We show that these conditions are necessary and sufficient for Gn~ when n= 1 , 2 , 3. In particular for n= 2 , our results add a few new necessary and sufficient conditions to the existing Schwarz lemma for the symmetrized bidisc.
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