Optimal Repair for Omega-Regular Properties
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Date Issued
Dave, Vrunda
Krishna, Shankara Narayanan
Murali, Vishnu
Trivedi, Ashutosh
This paper presents an optimization based framework to automate system repair against omega-regular properties. In the proposed formalization of optimal repair, the systems are represented as Kripke structures, the properties as ω -regular languages, and the repair space as repair machines—weighted omega-regular transducers equipped with Büchi conditions—that rewrite strings and associate a cost sequence to these rewritings. To translate the resulting cost-sequences to easily interpretable payoffs, we consider several aggregator functions to map cost sequences to numbers—including limit superior, supremum, discounted-sum, and average-sum—to define quantitative cost semantics. The problem of optimal repair, then, is to determine whether traces from a given system can be rewritten to satisfy an ω -regular property when the allowed cost is bounded by a given threshold. We also consider the dual challenge of impair verification that assumes that the rewritings are resolved adversarially under some given cost restriction, and asks to decide if all traces of the system satisfy the specification irrespective of the rewritings. With a negative result to the impair verification problem, we study the problem of designing a minimal mask of the Kripke structure such that the resulting traces satisfy the specifications despite the threshold-bounded impairment. We dub this problem as the mask synthesis problem. This paper presents automata-theoretic solutions to repair synthesis, impair verification, and mask synthesis problem for limit superior, supremum, discounted-sum, and average-sum cost semantics.
13505 LNCS