Parameter Estimation and Imaging of SAR Ground Moving Target using AGFS
Proceedings of CONECCT 2021: 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies
Date Issued
Sahay, Peeyush
Jain, Anubhav
Radhakrishna, P.
Gadre, Vikram M.
This paper presents a novel approach for estimating parameters and imaging a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ground moving target using Adaptive Generalized Fractional Spectrogram (AGFS) based methodology. The algorithm estimates the radial and tangential velocity along with the tangential acceleration. In this paper, the third-order azimuth phase of SAR is considered non-negligible. In the proposed algorithm, keystone transform, Radon transforms are used for range cell migration corrections, and AGFS is used for parameters estimation of ground moving targets. The paper also presents results for imaging multiple ground maneuvering targets using AGFS. Finally, the proposed approach using AGFS is compared with the Generalized Time-Frequency Transform (GTFT) based parameter estimation approach in terms of mean square error, signal-to-noise ratio gain, and detection probability.