Highly Deterministic One-Shot Set-Reset Programming Scheme in PCMO Resistive Random-Access Memory
ACS Applied Electronic Materials
Date Issued
Phadke, Omkar
Saraswat, Vivek
Ganguly, Udayan
Resistive random-access memory (RRAM) devices are very versatile with applications ranging from digital nonvolatile memories to analog synapses and integrate-fire neurons. Recently, RRAM based stochastic neurons have also been proposed for optimization networks that solve NP-hard problems. These applications rely on reliably writing a given conductance state repeatedly. A Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (PCMO) based RRAM device is a nonfilamentary, bulk switching RRAM which demonstrates low device-to-device variations compared to filamentary RRAMs. However, a low complexity programming scheme to demonstrate low cycle-to-cycle variations (C2CV) as well is needed. In this work, we propose a one-shot Set (initialize) and Reset (program) scheme to experimentally demonstrate low C2CV (<15%) for multiple devices. Compared to one-shot programming on a filamentary device, there is a 2-4× increment in the number of levels that can be stored per device using PCMO RRAM. Further, one-shot programming in PCMO RRAM leads to a 35× (10×) reduction in the number of pulses for 3 (2) bits per device, respectively. This greatly simplifies the memory controller design for these devices compared to any iterative write-verify schemes. This scheme gives a further insight into the self-heating limited Set operation controlled by a series resistor while reinforcing the analog and precise nature of the Reset operation. We studied the impact of the C2CV in programming RRAM-based stochastic neurons on the Max-Cut optimization problem using Boltzmann machines. PCMO RRAM combined with the one-shot programming scheme emerges as the clear choice for a well-controlled RRAM device with minimal peripheral complexity.