Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics
Date Issued
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Andrejkovic, J. W.
Bergauer, T.
Chatterjee, S.
Damanakis, K.
Dragicevic, M.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Frühwirth, R.
Jeitler, M.
Krammer, N.
Lechner, L.
Liko, D.
Mikulec, I.
Paulitsch, P.
Pitters, F. M.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Schwarz, D.
Templ, S.
Waltenberger, W.
Wulz, C. E.
Chekhovsky, V.
Litomin, A.
Makarenko, V.
Darwish, M. R.
De Wolf, E. A.
Janssen, T.
Kello, T.
Lelek, A.
Rejeb Sfar, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Putte, S.
Van Remortel, N.
Blekman, F.
Bols, E. S.
D’Hondt, J.
Delcourt, M.
El Faham, H.
Lowette, S.
Moortgat, S.
Morton, A.
Müller, D.
Sahasransu, A. R.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Beghin, D.
Bilin, B.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Favart, L.
Grebenyuk, A.
Kalsi, A. K.
Lee, K.
Mahdavikhorrami, M.
Makarenko, I.
Moureaux, L.
Pétré, L.
Popov, A.
Postiau, N.
Starling, E.
Thomas, L.
Vanden Bemden, M.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Knolle, J.
Lambrecht, L.
Mestdach, G.
Niedziela, M.
Roskas, C.
Samalan, A.
Skovpen, K.
Tytgat, M.
Vermassen, B.
Wezenbeek, L.
Benecke, A.
Bethani, A.
Bruno, G.
Bury, F.
Caputo, C.
David, P.
Delaere, C.
Donertas, I. S.
Giammanco, A.
Jaffel, K.
Jain, Sa
Lemaitre, V.
Mondal, K.
Prisciandaro, J.
Taliercio, A.
Teklishyn, M.
Tran, T. T.
Vischia, P.
Wertz, S.
Alves, G. A.
Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Aldá Júnior, W. L.
A measurement of the inclusive jet production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at s = 13 TeV is presented. The double-differential cross sections are measured as a function of the jet transverse momentum pT and the absolute jet rapidity |y|. The anti-kT clustering algorithm is used with distance parameter of 0.4 (0.7) in a phase space region with jet pT from 97 GeV up to 3.1 TeV and |y| < 2.0. Data collected with the CMS detector are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb−1 (33.5 fb−1). The measurement is used in a comprehensive QCD analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order, which results in significant improvement in the accuracy of the parton distributions in the proton. Simultaneously, the value of the strong coupling constant at the Z boson mass is extracted as αS(mZ) = 0.1170±0.0019. For the first time, these data are used in a standard model effective field theory analysis at next-to-leading order, where parton distributions and the QCD parameters are extracted simultaneously with imposed constraints on the Wilson coefficient c1 of 4-quark contact interactions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]