Development of scaling laws for prototyping and heat loss correlations for upward facing cylindrical helical coil and conical spiral coil receivers
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Date Issued
Sharma, Sumit
Saha, Sandip K.
A solar receiver is an integral part of any concentrated solar power based plant for energy conversion. An experimental or numerical analysis of a large-scale solar receiver is expensive due to the high infrastructure and computational costs involved. Hence, it becomes necessary to study the effects of scaling on the performance of a solar receiver so that the results of the analysis of small-scale receivers can be extended to large-scale models. Therefore, a scale analysis is carried out in this study to develop constitutional relationships amongst physical and geometrical parameters for upward-facing cylindrical helical coil and conical spiral coil cavity receivers. Similarity parameters are derived from the non-dimensional Navier Stokes equations in the curvilinear coordinate system (s,r,θ). A scaling law is derived based on the identified parameters. A validated numerical model for the cylindrical helical coil receiver and conical spiral coil receiver is used to verify the scaling analysis. Further, Nusselt number correlations for the convective heat losses from the upward-facing cylindrical and conical cavity receivers are proposed. The newly proposed correlations predict the convective losses from the upward-facing cylindrical and conical cavity receivers within the error band of ±20%.