Slurry phase biodegradation of heavy oily sludge and evidence of asphaltene biotransformation
Journal of Environmental Management
Date Issued
Chand, Priyankar
Dutta, Suryendu
Mukherji, Suparna
Oily sludge management is a global environmental concern due to its hazardous nature. Oily sludge obtained from a refinery in India had 19–21% oil content. The oil was highly enriched in the asphaltene fraction. Slurry phase biodegradation of this oily sludge in presence of a 3-membered bacterial consortium was optimized in presence of Triton X-100 to increase the bioavailability of hydrocarbons. Triton X-100 at 4 times the critical micelle concentration (CMC) showed the highest degradation where oil removal of 53.1% was achieved from a 10% sludge slurry over 90 days. GCxGC analysis of n-alkanes present in the oily sludge after the biodegradation study showed an increase in the lower n-alkanes, i.e., dodecane and tridecane over the first 30 days, whereas the higher n-alkanes were removed to a much higher extent. Heptadecane showed the maximum extent of degradation with 94.9% removal in 90 days and an initial degradation rate of 0.079 day−1. The, maximum rate of degradation was observed for pentacosane (0.083 day−1) with 93.7% removal in 90 days. The increase in the lower n-alkanes may be attributed to biotic transformation of the asphaltene fraction which was also confirmed through FTIR and pyrolysis GCxGC analysis. Biodegradation was found to cause changes in the pyrolysis product of asphaltenes where four and three-ring pyrolysis products decreased while the one and two-ring pyrolysis products increased. In presence of the consortium asphaltene removal over 90 days was 12% whereas only 0.4% removal was obtained in the abiotic controls.