A unique discrimination between new physics scenarios in b→ sμ<sup>+</sup>μ<sup>-</sup> anomalies
European Physical Journal Plus
Date Issued
Alok, Ashutosh Kumar
Kumbhakar, Suman
Sankar, S. Uma
A number of observables related to the b→ sℓ+ℓ- transition show deviations from their standard model predictions. A global fit to the current b→ sℓ+ℓ- data suggests several new physics solutions. Considering only one operator at a time and new physics only in the muon sector, it has been shown that the new physics scenarios (I) C9NP<0, (II) C9NP=-C10NP, (III) C9NP=-C9′NP can account for all data. In this work, we develop a procedure to uniquely identify the correct new physics solution. The scenario II predicts a significantly lower value of B(Bs→ μ+μ-) and can be distinguished from the other two scenarios if the experimental uncertainty comes down by a factor of three. On the other hand, a precise measurement of the CP averaged angular observables S9 in high q2 bin of B→ K∗μ+μ- decay can uniquely discriminate between the other two scenarios. We propose new methods, in terms of azimuthal angle asymmetries, to measure S9 with the necessary precision.