Characterization of ZVS Behavior and Optimum Control Point Determination for Three-Port Current-Fed Dual Active Bridge Converter
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Date Issued
Kurm, Shashank
Agarwal, Vivek
Current-fed dual active bridge converter offers multiport structure and can be used in applications, such as renewable energy systems, hybrid electric vehicles, etc. Dual pulsewidth modulation plus phase shift control provides three degrees of freedom for power control, which include duty ratios of primary and secondary side bridges (d1 and d2) and the phase difference between them (δ). Converter operation at the optimum point d1opt, d2opt,δopt) can help achieve multiple objectives, such as achieving zero voltage switching (ZVS) and minimizing current stress along with controlling the power flow. When a CF-DAB is operated as a multiport converter, the optimal control point d1opt, d2opt, δopt) depends on the voltages and currents at different ports, and determining it online is a challenge. In this article, ZVS behavior and current stress of CF-DAB converter are analyzed under various operating conditions pertaining to different source voltages/currents and load power. Based on the analysis, an algorithm has been proposed for determining d1opt, d2opt, delta;opt) for the given operating condition. Experimental results on a laboratory prototype have been presented, which validate the theoretical analysis and the proposed algorithm.