Cognitive Ability as a Criterion for Expertise in Air Traffic Controlling
AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022
Date Issued
Sharma, Keshava
Iyer, Hari
Pant, Rajkumar S.
With the growing demand for air travel, there is a huge increase in the number of flights in the air at any given time. To manage this load of air traffic, system sophistication and automation plays a pivotal role in assisting air traffic controllers (ATCOs). Proficiency can be visualized as a nonlinear function that combines knowledge and its practical application. But in the case of ATCo, Expertise is objectively laid down as a consistent and accurate ability to perform the required controlling tasks. For the invited 56 ATCo’s for the experiment conducted to analyse Eye Tracking and EEG data, vital aspects of cognitive skills such as visual mapping and scanning of the Radar situation, efficient use of working memory and a diverse approach to situational awareness were recorded as key for consistent performance. ATCo responsibilities like guaranteeing safety, nominal ground vehicle/aircraft spacing, efficient runway usage and timely flight schedule and sequencing make the task cognitively demanding. Hence, the training and practice needed for a safety-critical application needs to be all-encompassing and address minute details of the process. For a long time, the traditional criteria for ATCo skill has been directly correlated to factors like age, years in training, and experience. The Longest Sequence of Vectored Aircraft (LSVA), which is the criteria to decide ATCO's efficiency, was used to group controllers and it was found to have low correlation with age. We discuss different approaches to analyze the other criteria of ATCo expertise, which are the non-conventional parameters of performance ability to carry out functions like scanning air traffic and use working memory optimally.