Effect of hydrogen addition on the dynamics of premixed C<inf>1</inf>–C<inf>4</inf> alkane-air flames in a microchannel with a wall temperature gradient
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Date Issued
Edacheri Veetil, Jithin
Kumbhakarna, Neeraj
Singh, Satender
Velamati, Ratna Kishore
Kumar, Sudarshan
The effect of hydrogen (H2) addition on the flame dynamics of premixed C1–C4 alkane/air mixtures in a microchannel is investigated using a detailed-chemistry model through two-dimensional numerical computations. A detailed computational study have been performed in a 2 mm diameter tube with 120 mm length and a wall temperature gradient along the axial direction of the channel. The numerical simulations are carried out for various stoichiometric hydrocarbon (HC)/H2 mixtures at 0.15 m/s mixture inlet velocity. Flame repetitive extinction and ignition (FREI) flame pattern has been identified for all the fuel mixtures at these channel wall and mixture flow conditions. CH4/air mixture shows a higher HRR than C3–C4 alkane/air mixtures. Flame residence time in microchannel increases with increase in hydrogen addition percentage for all the three hydrocarbon/air mixtures considered in the present study. A non-monotonic behavior of FREI frequency is identified for CH4/air mixture, whereas it decreases monotonically for C3H8/air and C4H10/air mixtures with H2 addition. The amount of HRR and flame propagation velocity decreases with increase in H2 addition for lower-alkanes/air mixtures. The flame bifurcation effect is observed for CH4/air mixture, which disappears due to H2 addition in the mixture. The bifurcation effect is not present for other hydrocarbon/air mixtures investigated in the present study. The addition of H2 in the mixture enhances the flame stability of hydrocarbon/air mixtures in the microchannel.