Lid-driven cavity flow-induced dynamics of a neutrally buoyant solid: Effect of Reynolds number, flexibility, and size
Physics of Fluids
Date Issued
Prasad, Vinay
Sharma, Atul
Kulkarni, Salil S.
The present work is on Fluid flexible-Solid Interaction (FfSI), involving a recirculating flow-induced motion of a neutrally buoyant and deformable circular solid. For a Newtonian fluid flow and neo-Hookean flexible-solid deformation, a single FfSI solver - based on fully Eulerian and monolithic approaches - is used. The effect of Reynolds Number Re (20-500), volume fraction φ (1%-12%) of the solid, and its non-dimensional shear modulus G∗ (0.02 - 1) on transient/periodic flow-induced solid-motion and the associated FfSI analysis is presented. The solid undergoes a transient spiraling motion before attaining a periodic orbit-based limit cycle. The flow also attains the periodic state after the initial transients. Time-averaged flow velocity-magnitude ⟨ v*»surrounding the limit cycle increases with increasing Re, increasing G*, and decreasing φ. Equivalent radius r e q∗ of the limit cycle and time-averaged velocity-magnitude ⟨ v c*»of the centroid of the solid increase with increasing Re and decrease with decreasing G∗ (or increasing flexibility) and increasing volume fraction φ (or size) of the solid. Also, frequency f∗ of the limit cycle decreases with increasing Re and remains almost constant with G∗ and φ. With increasing φ, the limit cycle undergoes a transition from the single loop to double loop beyond a critical volume fraction φ c = 2 %. A critical Reynolds number Rec, below which the periodic limit cycle collapses to a point, decreases with decreasing φ. Our findings will help in the prediction and control of the motion of the solid in a bounded fluid flow involving solids of varying flexibility, which is relevant to a wide range of industrial and biological applications.