Dynamic Characteristics and Liquefaction Behavior of Sand-Tire Chip Mixes
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Date Issued
Amanta, Adyasha Swayamsiddha
Dasaka, Satyanarayana Murty
Use of scrap tire derivatives for civil engineering applications is an emerging field. In spite of extensive characterization of these materials, most of the studies focused on smaller-sized tire derivatives, i.e., tire crumbs. Furthermore, only a few studies are available on the cyclic response of these tire derivatives. The present study details the dynamic properties and liquefaction behavior of tire chips and sand-tire chip mixes. A series of strain-controlled cyclic triaxial tests were carried out considering confining pressure, strain amplitude, and tire chip content as variables. The tests were performed on seven different mixes with varied proportions of sand and tire chips by weight. The addition of tire chips to the sand increased the liquefaction resistance and threshold shear strain of the mixes significantly. The addition of the tire chips decreased the shear modulus and increased the damping ratio of the mixes. Furthermore, based on the behavior of the mixes with different tire chip contents, an optimum mix was suggested.