How low is too low? A monolingual take on lemmatisation in Indian languages
NAACL-HLT 2021 - 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Proceedings of the Conference
Date Issued
Saunack, Kumar
Saurav, Kumar
Bhattacharyya, Pushpak
Lemmatization aims to reduce the sparse data problem by relating the inflected forms of a word to its dictionary form. Most prior work on ML based lemmatization has focused on high resource languages, where data sets (word forms) are readily available. For languages which have no linguistic work available, especially on morphology or in languages where the computational realization of linguistic rules is complex and cumbersome, machine learning based lemmatizers are the way to go. In this paper, we devote our attention to lemmatisation for low resource, morphologically rich scheduled Indian languages using neural methods. Here, low resource means only a small number of word forms are available. We perform tests to analyse the variance in monolingual models’ performance on varying the corpus size and contextual morphological tag data for training. We show that monolingual approaches with data augmentation can give competitive accuracy even in the low resource setting, which augurs well for NLP in low resource setting.