Simulating Continuous Time Convolution Using Discrete Time Convolution in the Context of POF
2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference, DELCON 2022
Date Issued
Roy, Sandip
Plastic Optical Fibre (POF) is an analog channel. It has all the advantages of Glass Optical Fibre (GOF) except that its high attenuation and multimodal dispersion restrict its bandwidth and reach severely. The low cost of POF technology and its ease of use, make it apt for further investigating - how to enhance data rate, in short haul POF links like in FTTH (fiber-to-the-home). Lot of research is going on to push higher date rate at longer distance using POF. An important aspect of the research is the simulation of continuous time convolution using discrete time convolution in various offline tools like Matlab. The analog channel of the fiber is simulated as a filter. Subsequently, the channel passing of a test signal becomes equivalent to continuous time convolution of the test signal with the channel filter. Since offline simulation has necessarily to be in discrete domain - understanding the theoretical aspect behind the simulation of convolution is of extreme significance. Unfortunately, no text or paper presents this concept and hence this paper presents the theory behind the simulation.