Formulation of advanced SST turbulence model for shock-boundary layer interaction
AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2021
Date Issued
Raje, Pratikkumar
Sinha, Krishnendu
Compressible turbulent flows involving shock wave pose significant challenges in terms of their physical modeling and numerical computation. In the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes framework, Menter SST k-ω model is routinely used in industry and academia for computing aerodynamic flows. The model gives good predictions for transonic flows involving shock/turbulent boundary layer interaction (SBLI), however large discrepancies are obtained for the shock-induced separation in the supersonic and hypersonic regime. The model limits principal turbulent stress using Bradshaw’s relation and considers a constant value of the structure parameter, which contradicts experimental observations. It uses Boussinesq hypothesis and hence cannot predict anisotropy in normal Reynolds stresses generated by shock waves. In this work, we extend the applicability and range of validity of the Menter SST model by including additional physics to it. We use a quadratic stress-strain relationship from an existing explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model (EARSM). A quadratic relation for the structure parameter consistent with the EARSM formulation is proposed, and it is a function of the local mean strain-rates. Possible limiting values of the structure parameter are prescribed in the regions of shock waves using the shock-unsteadiness model, and the effect of shock strength on the interaction characteristics is considered. The new model, termed as SUQ-SST, is validated using two-dimensional SBLI cases ranging from supersonic to hypersonic speeds and near-incipient to fully-separated flows. The SUQ-SST model gives significant improvement in predicting Reynolds stress anisotropy, flow separation, and surface properties in a wide range of SBLI flows.