Sensorless full body active compliance in a 6 DOF parallel manipulator
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Date Issued
Parallel manipulators are being used extensively to cater to the needs of a multitude of industrial automation applications. Due to its kinematic accuracy and structural stiffness, parallel manipulators have proven considerable advantage over their serial counterparts. In modern applications, humans train, collaborate and interact with the manipulators in order to maximize the productivity and the quality of the final product. The critical factor in this human-robot interaction is safety and the ability of the mechanism to comply with human intentions. It thus becomes a necessity for the manipulator to detect external disturbances and interactions, and be able to react accordingly. In this research, a methodology for sensor-less full body active compliance is proposed on a 6-DOF RSS (Rotary-Spherical-Spherical) parallel manipulator. By using the proposed approach, the manipulator can detect and comply with the external forces on any part of its body without using any explicit force/torque sensor at the joint or the end-effector. This is done by utilizing the estimated joint torque based on the actuator current feedback only. A three-layer cascaded impedance controller for active compliance and reaction to various human interactions are reported. The proposed design and unique methodology for compliance exhibits an effective and inexpensive yet reliable alternative to be used in safe human-robot interactions and force controlled manufacturing applications.