Development of indoor folding method for tethered aerostat envelope to stow for long duration safely
Aerospace Systems
Date Issued
Cheulkar, Avesh
Bhongade, Ajay
Pant, Rajkumar S.
Aerostat plays important role in lighter than air system. There is a huge balloon-like structure called an envelope with hydrogen or helium in it which makes it lighter, just by generating up-thrust force to lift up this envelope. The mini aerostat envelope is 70 m3 in volume. When we try to fold this envelope erratically, it may cause various problems like wrinkle formation on envelope, more time to inflate envelope and more manpower to inflate envelope. This paper focuses on a problem and solution for wrinkles formation, quick inflation of envelope and stowing for long when the envelope is folded. We have also given solutions to problems using methodologies like the score of matrix method, past research done by others, principal of product design, and development of folding methodology.