Mantle and Crustal Contributions to the Mount Girnar Alkaline Plutonic Complex and the Circum-Girnar Mafic-Silicic Intrusions of Saurashtra, Northwestern Deccan Traps
Journal of Petrology
Date Issued
Cucciniello, Ciro
Avanzinelli, Riccardo
Sheth, Hetu
Casalini, Martina
Continental flood basalt (CFB) provinces, while dominated by tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, often also contain alkaline mafic to felsic lavas and intrusions. The tholeiitic and alkaline magmas may reflect different degrees of partial melting of the same mantle source, or the alkaline magmas may be derived from metasomatised, incompatible element-enriched mantle sources. The tholeiitic and alkaline suites, even if closely associated spatially or temporally, require independent magmatic plumbing systems. In the Saurashtra region of the northwestern Deccan Traps CFB province, India, tholeiitic lavas have been intruded by the ~66 Ma Mount Girnar plutonic complex, which comprises olivine gabbros (often with cumulate textures), diorites, and monzonites, profusely intruded by dykes and veins of foid-bearing syenites and lamprophyres. In the region surrounding the complex the tholeiitic lavas have been intruded by a large (12 km-diameter) silicic ring dyke, as well as tholeiitic dykes and sills. The region thus provides an excellent opportunity to study potential petrogenetic relationships between tholeiitic, alkaline, and silicic magmatism in a CFB province, evaluated here using field, petrographic, mineral chemical, and whole-rock geochemical (including Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic) data. Initial (at 65 Ma) Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios of an olivine gabbro and diorites of the Girnar plutonic suite are in the ranges (87Sr/86Sr)t = 0.70499 to 0.70584, (143Nd/144Nd)t = 0.512675 to 0.512484 (ϵNdt = +2.4 to -1.4) and (206Pb/204Pb)t = 18.270-18.679. Foid-bearing syenites and lamprophyres have broadly similar isotopic ratios and marked enrichments in the most incompatible elements. Thermobarometric calculations indicate crystallisation of mineral phases in the Girnar plutonic suite at varied crustal pressures (0.02-0.9 GPa). Small but significant Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic variations within the plutonic suite rule out closed-system fractional crystallisation as a viable process, whereas a lack of correlation between isotopic ratio and degree of magmatic evolution (rock type) also negates any simple scheme of combined assimilation-fractional crystallisation. The circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions, hitherto practically unstudied, are low-Ti and moderately to fairly evolved (MgO = 8.0-3.9 wt %); olivine gabbro and picrite dykes with cumulus olivine show higher MgO (10.1-15.7 wt %), Ni (360-700 ppm), and Cr (410-1710 ppm) contents. The circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions have a large range of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios (e.g. ϵNdt = +4.2 to -18.7) indicating open-system processes. We infer that magmas of the alkaline Girnar plutonic suite were derived from enriched mantle, with only minor crustal residence or material input, possibly reflecting a very thin basement crust under the complex. In contrast, magmas forming the circum-Girnar tholeiitic intrusions were derived from depleted mantle (ϵNdt > +4.2) by high degrees of melting, and they experienced olivine fractionation or accumulation in crustal chambers and significant contamination by ancient granitic basement crust. These features probably reflect a much thicker crust surrounding the plutonic complex than directly under it. The circum-Girnar silicic ring dyke has Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios suggesting an origin by anatexis of the basement crust. Based on a range of evidence, the tholeiitic and silicic circum-Girnar dykes and sills are petrogenetically and structurally unrelated to the alkaline Girnar plutonic suite.