Model-Based Nine-Component Scattering Matrix Power Decomposition of Polsar Data
2021 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, InGARSS 2021 - Proceedings
Date Issued
Malik, Rashmi
Dikshit, Onkar
Singh, Gulab
Yamaguchi, Yoshio
Scattering power fully polarimetric decomposition is one of the most useful methods to classify the POLSAR image based on physical scattering model by using coherency matrix and fully polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) data sets and it can be directly related to the physical scattering interpretation and its classification. This paper proposes to obtain the physical scattering information of all nine components of the coherency matrix and provides the 9-component Scattering matrix power Decomposition (9SD) method. The new 9SD method has been tested on fully polarimetric spaceborne L-band (ALOS-2/PALSAR-2) San Francisco data sets and compares the results with previous existing decomposition models. The new scattering powers compound dipole and quarter-wave plates represent a significant improvement in oriented urban areas.