An alternate approach to simulate the dynamics of perturbed liquid drops
Date Issued
Singla, Tanu
Roy, Tanushree
Parmananda, P.
Rivera, M.
Liquid drops when subjected to external periodic perturbations can execute polygonal oscillations. In this work, a simple model is presented that demonstrates these oscillations and their characteristic properties. The model consists of a spring-mass network such that masses are analogous to liquid molecules and the springs correspond to intermolecular links. Neo-Hookean springs are considered to represent these intermolecular links. The restoring force of a neo-Hookean spring depends nonlinearly on its length such that the force of a compressed spring is much higher than the force of the spring elongated by the same amount. This is analogous to the incompressibility of liquids, making these springs suitable to simulate the polygonal oscillations. It is shown that this spring-mass network can imitate most of the characteristic features of experimentally reported polygonal oscillations. Additionally, it is shown that the network can execute certain dynamics, which so far have not been observed in a perturbed liquid drop. The characteristics of dynamics that are observed in the perturbed network are polygonal oscillations, rotation of network, numerical relations (rational and irrational) between the frequencies of polygonal oscillations and the forcing signal, and that the shape of the polygons depends on the parameters of perturbation.