Polarization of Λ and ¯Λ Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
Physical Review Letters
Date Issued
Acharya, S.
Adamová, D.
Adler, A.
Aglieri Rinella, G.
Agnello, M.
Agrawal, N.
Ahammed, Z.
Ahmad, S.
Ahn, S. U.
Ahuja, I.
Akbar, Z.
Akindinov, A.
Al-Turany, M.
Alam, S. N.
Aleksandrov, D.
Alessandro, B.
Alfanda, H. M.
Alfaro Molina, R.
Ali, B.
Ali, Y.
Alici, A.
Alizadehvandchali, N.
Alkin, A.
Alme, J.
Alt, T.
Altenkamper, L.
Altsybeev, I.
Anaam, M. N.
Andrei, C.
Andreou, D.
Andronic, A.
Angeletti, M.
Anguelov, V.
Antinori, F.
Antonioli, P.
Anuj, C.
Apadula, N.
Aphecetche, L.
Appelshäuser, H.
Arcelli, S.
Arnaldi, R.
Arsene, I. C.
Arslandok, M.
Augustinus, A.
Averbeck, R.
Aziz, S.
Azmi, M. D.
Badalà, A.
Baek, Y. W.
Bai, X.
Bailhache, R.
Bailung, Y.
Bala, R.
Balbino, A.
Baldisseri, A.
Balis, B.
Ball, M.
Banerjee, D.
Barbera, R.
Barioglio, L.
Barlou, M.
Barnaföldi, G. G.
Barnby, L. S.
Barret, V.
Bartels, C.
Barth, K.
Bartsch, E.
Baruffaldi, F.
Bastid, N.
Basu, S.
Batigne, G.
Batyunya, B.
Bauri, D.
Bazo Alba, J. L.
Bearden, I. G.
Beattie, C.
Belikov, I.
Bell Hechavarria, A. D.C.
Bellini, F.
Bellwied, R.
Belokurova, S.
Belyaev, V.
Bencedi, G.
Beole, S.
Bercuci, A.
Berdnikov, Y.
Berdnikova, A.
Bergmann, L.
Besoiu, M. G.
Betev, L.
Bhaduri, P. P.
Bhasin, A.
Bhat, I. R.
Bhat, M. A.
Bhattacharjee, B.
Bhattacharya, P.
Bianchi, L.
Bianchi, N.
Bielcík, J.
Bielcíková, J.
The polarization of the ? and ?¯ hyperons along the beam (z) direction, Pz, has been measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV recorded with ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The main contribution to Pz comes from elliptic flow-induced vorticity and can be characterized by the second Fourier sine coefficient Pz,s2=?Pzsin(2f-2?2)
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