Characterization of Cold Bituminous Mastics Prepared with Different Active Fillers at High and Intermediate Temperature
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Date Issued
Bérubé, Marc André
Carter, Alan
Singh, Dharamveer
Cold recycling of asphalt mixes is becoming a usual pavement rehabilitation technique. The use of active fillers in conjunction with bituminous emulsion changes the properties of the mixes, mainly on the mastic characteristics. The use of active filler can make the mastic more brittle, but limited data are available on this aspect. In this study, emulsion-active filler mastics were prepared with two different mixing methods. Two different active fillers, ordinary Portland cement and fly ash, were used at four different contents with a single emulsion and an inert filler. Once cured, the mastics were tested with a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) to get the viscoelastic properties at high temperature and with the double-edge-notched tension (DENT) test to look at the cracking potential at intermediate temperature. The results show that the order that the materials are incorporated during the mixing of the mastics does have a significant effect on the properties. Also, in terms of stiffness, the optimum amount of active filler is different for the cement than for the fly ash. For the cracking resistance, the results have shown that the addition of both active fillers does have an impact on the cracking resistance, but in the amount tested, no brittle fracture was observed. The results have shown that the type and quantity of active filler are important since it changes the fracture performance and the viscoelastic properties of bituminous mastic.
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