Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z+jet and dijet events from pp collisions
Journal of High Energy Physics
Date Issued
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Andrejkovic, J. W.
Bergauer, T.
Chatterjee, S.
Dragicevic, M.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Frühwirth, R.
Jeitler, M.
Krammer, N.
Lechner, L.
Liko, D.
Mikulec, I.
Paulitsch, P.
Pitters, F. M.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Spanring, M.
Templ, S.
Waltenberger, W.
Wulz, C. E.
Chekhovsky, V.
Litomin, A.
Makarenko, V.
Darwish, M. R.
De Wolf, E. A.
Janssen, T.
Kello, T.
Lelek, A.
Rejeb Sfar, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Putte, S.
Van Remortel, N.
Blekman, F.
Bols, E. S.
D’Hondt, J.
Delcourt, M.
El Faham, H.
Lowette, S.
Moortgat, S.
Morton, A.
Müller, D.
Sahasransu, A. R.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Van Mulders, P.
Beghin, D.
Bilin, B.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Favart, L.
Grebenyuk, A.
Kalsi, A. K.
Lee, K.
Mahdavikhorrami, M.
Makarenko, I.
Moureaux, L.
Pétré, L.
Popov, A.
Postiau, N.
Starling, E.
Thomas, L.
Vanden Bemden, M.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Vannerom, D.
Wezenbeek, L.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Knolle, J.
Lambrecht, L.
Mestdach, G.
Niedziela, M.
Roskas, C.
Samalan, A.
Skovpen, K.
Tytgat, M.
Verbeke, W.
Vermassen, B.
Vit, M.
Bethani, A.
Bruno, G.
Bury, F.
Caputo, C.
David, P.
Delaere, C.
Donertas, I. S.
Giammanco, A.
Jaffel, K.
Jain, Sa
Lemaitre, V.
Mondal, K.
Prisciandaro, J.
Taliercio, A.
Teklishyn, M.
Tran, T. T.
Vischia, P.
Wertz, S.
Alves, G. A.
Hensel, C.
Measurements of jet substructure describing the composition of quark- and gluon-initiated jets are presented. Proton-proton (pp) collision data at s = 13 TeV collected with the CMS detector are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. Generalized angularities are measured that characterize the jet substructure and distinguish quark- and gluon-initiated jets. These observables are sensitive to the distributions of transverse momenta and angular distances within a jet. The analysis is performed using a data sample of dijet events enriched in gluon-initiated jets, and, for the first time, a Z+jet event sample enriched in quark-initiated jets. The observables are measured in bins of jet transverse momentum, and as a function of the jet radius parameter. Each measurement is repeated applying a “soft drop” grooming procedure that removes soft and large angle radiation from the jet. Using these measurements, the ability of various models to describe jet substructure is assessed, showing a clear need for improvements in Monte Carlo generators. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].