High Power Parallel Hybrid DC-DC Converter
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Date Issued
Ansari, Mohd Shadab
Rath, Ibhan Chand
Patro, Siba Kumar
Shukla, Anshuman
Bahirat, Himanshu J.
The parallel hybrid converter (PHC) is gaining popularity for high voltage direct current (HVdc) applications. The PHC features low energy storage requirement and low conduction losses in the sub-modules (SMs). Moreover, the PHC requires lower number of SMs and switching devices. However, the existing PHC configuration needs harmonic voltage injection in the chain-links (CLs) to feed the ac grid, thereby injecting harmonic currents into the main DC-link. Additionally, the existing PHC lacks dc fault-tolerant capability. A new front-to-front dc-dc configuration called as parallel hybrid dc-dc converter (PHDC) for HVdc application is presented. The proposed PHDC eliminates the need of harmonic voltage injection and provides the dc fault-tolerant capability. Furthermore, the proposed PHDC requires lesser energy storage and smaller interlinking transformers than in the PHC used for ac-dc application. The detailed mathematical analysis with design procedure considering the dc-dc conversion application is presented. The authenticity of the proposed dc-dc converter is verified by both analytical and simulation studies. Finally, a three phase front-to-front experimental setup is tested for different operating conditions and results are presented.