Simulation Studies of R<inf>2</inf>(Δ η, Δ ϕ) and P<inf>2</inf>(Δ η, Δ ϕ) Correlation Functions in pp Collisions with the PYTHIA and HERWIG Models
Springer Proceedings in Physics
Date Issued
Sahoo, Baidyanath
Nandi, Basanta Kumar
Pujahari, Prabhat
Basu, Sumit
Pruneau, Claude
We presented a study of charge-independent (CI) and charge-dependent (CD) two-particle differential number correlation functions R2 and transverse momentum correlation functions P2 in pp collisions at s=2.76 TeV with the PYTHIA and HERWIG models.Calculations were presented for unidentified hadrons in three pT ranges 0.2 < pT≤ 2.0 GeV/c, 2.0 < pT≤ 5.0 GeV/c, and 5.0 < pT≤ 30.0 GeV/c.PYTHIA and HERWIG both qualitatively reproduce the near-side peak and away-side ridge correlation features reported by experiments.At low pT, both models produce narrower near-side peaks in P2 correlations than in R2 as reported by the ALICE collaboration in p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions.This suggests that the narrower shape of the P2 near-side peak is largely determined by the pT dependent angular ordering of hadrons produced in jets.Both PYTHIA and HERWIG predict widths that decrease with increasing pT.Widths extracted for P2 correlators are typically significantly narrower than those of the R2 counterparts [1].