A Carried-based Space Vector Modulation Scheme for Si and SiC based Enhanced Hybrid-ANPC Converter
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2021 - Proceedings
Date Issued
Belkhode, Satish
Shukla, Anshuman
Doolla, Suryanarayana
Recently, Silicon (Si) and Silicon-carbide (SiC) based hybrid active neutral-point-clamped (ANPC) topologies have gained significant interests owing to their high efficiency to cost ratio. Among these hybrid ANPCs, the enhanced-hybrid-ANPC (E-HANPC) minimizes the commutation issues of SiC switches and offers high efficiency. In this paper, a carrier-based space-vector-modulation (SVM) scheme is proposed for EHANPC topology. The proposed SVM scheme reduces converter switching losses using SiC MOSFETs, while conduction losses are reduced by operating Si IGBTs in parallel conduction paths. Moreover, with the proposed SVM scheme, Si IGBTs are switched at either zero or reduced current value. In this way, the overall converter losses are reduced with the proposed SVM scheme. This paper presents detailed derivation of proposed scheme. Moreover, converter loss analysis and selection criterion for Si IGBTs to achieve maximum loss reduction are presented. The performance of proposed scheme is validated with the simulation and experimental results using reduced-scale three-phase experimental prototype.