Dynamic recovery and recrystallization mechanisms in secondary B2 phase and austenite matrix during hot deformation of Fe–Mn–Al–C-(Ni) based austenitic low-density steels
Materials Science and Engineering: A
Date Issued
Mishra, Bidyapati
Singh, Vajinder
Sarkar, Rajdeep
Mukhopadhyay, A.
Gopinath, K.
Madhu, V.
Prasad, M. J.N.V.
In present study two different austenitic based low-density steel (LDS) grades with compositions of Fe–28Mn–9Al-0.9C and Fe–15Mn–9Al-0.9C–5Ni (in weight percent) were produced by vacuum induction melting. The former alloy was a single-phase austenitic grade, whereas the latter alloy contained coarse B2 ordered Fe(Ni)Al secondary phase along with fine κ-carbides in austenite matrix. Hot deformation behaviour of these two LDS grades was studied in as-cast plus homogenized condition under compression over a range of temperature (1173–1423 K) and strain rate (0.005–5 s−1). The stress-strain curves were analysed to evaluate the role of secondary B2 phase on the stress exponent and activation energy of deformation. The evolution of microstructures in these steels as a function of test temperature, strain rate and strain was examined in-detail by electron backscattered diffraction. Both the low-density steels exhibited nearly similar stress exponent value of ∼4; however, the presence of B2 phase led to an increased activation energy of deformation. The effect of B2 phase on flow behaviour and microstructure evolution during hot deformation was found to be more pronounced at low test temperatures. The B2 containing steel showed slower recrystallization kinetics than that of B2-free alloy and is presumably due to the Ni addition, the presence of undissolved κ-carbides and the strain rate-temperature dependent strain partitioning between γ and B2 phases in the former alloy. The examination of microstructural evolution with progress of deformation revealed that the austenite (γ) matrix grains undergo discontinuous dynamic recrystallization, while B2 grains display continuous dynamic recrystallization along with fragmentation.