Operational meaning of discord in terms of teleportation fidelity
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Date Issued
Adhikari, Satyabrata
Banerjee, Subhashish
Quantum discord is a prominent measure of quantum correlations, playing an important role in expanding its horizon beyond entanglement. Here we provide an operational meaning of (geometric) discord, which quantifies the amount of nonclassical correlations of an arbitrary quantum system based on its minimal distance from the set of classical states, in terms of teleportation fidelity for general two-qubit and (dâŠ-d)-dimensional isotropic and Werner states. A critical value of the discord is found beyond which the two-qubit state must violate Bell's inequality. This is illustrated by an open-system model of a dissipative two-qubit state. For the (dâŠ-d)-dimensional states the lower bound of discord is shown to be obtainable from an experimentally measurable witness operator. © 2012 American Physical Society.