Selecting a cryogenic cooling system for superconducting machines: General considerations for electric machine designers and engineers
International Journal of Refrigeration
Date Issued
Yazdani-Asrami, Mohammad
Sadeghi, Alireza
Atrey, Milind D.
In this paper, general considerations for selecting a cryogenic cooling system for superconducting machine in different applications were explained with respect to the design, operation, and condition monitoring constraints. These considerations are explained so that they help electric machine engineers and designers to get familiar with cryogenic aspects of selecting and using cryogenic cooling system of superconducting machines. In fact, the main questions are: what are the important factors that one should take into account when selecting a cooling system for a superconducting machine application? Also, which one of these factors could later affect the performance of the cooling system so that it can efficiently cope with the expected heat load withoutfacing a thermal breakdown? To adress these questions, common cooling system structures, different cryogenic fluids, the associated parameters with the value of heat loads, and safety margins were discussed to help the machine engineers to choose the most appropriate cryogenic cooling system that adjusts better with their superconducting machine and the specific considerations that they might have. Some considerations regarding the auxiliary devices such as heat exchangers and pumps, were explained as the next priority in selecting a cooling system. Special challenges and considerations imposed to the cooling systems of superconducting machines in aerospace applications such as electric- and hydrogen-powered aircraft, naval applications, and wind energy application were also discussed. Although all of these applications share similar concerns like weight, cost, and specific mass of cooling systems, each one of them have their specific concerns and constraints which come with higher priority.
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