Development of CSMM based seismic fragility curves of RC hollow rectangular bridge piers
fib Symposium
Date Issued
Polimeru, Vijay Kumar
Shekhar, Shivang
Laskar, Arghadeep
The present study is aimed at investigating the influence of shear transfer mechanism on the overall fragility characteristics of the shear critical bridge piers using a two-dimensional (2D) cyclic softened membrane model (CSMM) based nonlinear finite element model and one-dimensional (1D) lumped mass stick model. Shear failure is disregarded in existing fragility studies of hollow bridge piers due to lack of robust simulation models which can predict the shear behavior. 1D lumped mass stick model, which consists of nonlinear beam column elements with fiber cross sections are extensively used for analyzing these bridge piers. These elements are not very effective in predicting the shear behavior of RC members as it captures only interaction between biaxial bending and axial forces. Hence members subjected to significant shear and torsional loadings cannot be analysed directly using nonlinear beam column elements. On the other hand, two-dimensional (2D) simulation models consisting of plane stress elements developed based on cyclic softened membrane model (CSMM) are very effective in predicting the shear behaviour of hollow bridge piers because these models consider the combined effects of all axial, bending and shear forces. In the present study, high fidelity seismic fragility curves developed using incremental dynamic analysis for a shear critical RC hollow rectangular bridge pier using both 1D and 2D models have been critically compared. The results from the present study show that it is critical to consider shear transfer mechanism using twodimensional (2D) simulation models over 1D lumped mass stick models for predicting failure probabilities associated with shear failure of hollow bridge piers.