Correlated nonreciprocity around conjugate exceptional points
Physical Review A
Date Issued
The occurrence of exceptional points (EPs) is a fascinating non-Hermitian feature of open systems. A level-repulsion phenomenon between two complex states of an open system can be realized by positioning an EP and its time-reversal (T) conjugate pair in the underlying parameter space. Here, we report interesting nonreciprocal responses of such two conjugate EPs by using a dual-mode planar waveguide system having two T-symmetric active variants concerning the transverse gain-loss profiles. We specifically reveal an all-optical scheme to achieve correlative nonreciprocal light dynamics by using the reverse chirality of two dynamically encircled conjugate EPs in the presence of local nonlinearity. A specific nonreciprocal correlation between two designed T-symmetric waveguide variants is established in terms of their unidirectional transfer of light with a precise selection of modes. Here, the unconventional reverse chiral properties of two conjugate EPs allow the nonreciprocal transmission of two selective modes in the opposite directions of the underlying waveguide variants. An explicit dependence of the nonlinearity level on a significant enhancement of the nonreciprocity in terms of an isolation ratio is explored by investigating the effects of both local Kerr-type and saturable nonlinearities (considered separately). The physical insights and implications of harnessing the features of conjugate EPs in nonlinear optical systems can enable the growth and development of a versatile platform for building nonreciprocal components and devices.
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