Role of nutraceuticals in metabolic syndrome
Drug Delivery Systems for Metabolic Disorders
Date Issued
Mishra, Brahmeshwar
Upadhyay, Mansi
Kumar, Ashutosh
Metabolic syndrome (Ms) is a group of diseases that have affected human health massively worldwide. Earlier, only cancer was considered a life-threatening disease. However, with the progression in the studies of metabolic disorders, it was supported that Ms could itself be the cause of cancer. Moreover, the major diseases grouped under this syndrome include obesity, cardiovascular risks or cardiotoxicity, hypertension, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. These enlisted anomalies are the consequences of genetic factors, poor lifestyle, altered oxidative stress, inflammation, lack of dietary antioxidants, etc. Ms is a unique disorder where every component is related to each other in such a way that disturbance in a single factor can result in multiple diseases, for instance, lack of physical activity may lead to obesity, obesity may lead to diabetes, diabetes could lead to the insulin resistance type or hyperinsulinemia, hyperinsulinemia may result into excessive sodium retention leading to elevated blood pressure, elevated blood pressure could lead to pulmonary hypertension or lung or endothelial dysfunction and so on, that is why Ms is called as a cluster of disease. Ms for the first was recognized by Gerald Reaven as “syndrome X” clustering, hypertension, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia under a single term which is now known as Ms, however, in this list obesity was added further. With the advent of the technologies and loss of physical activities the list of Ms has always been found to be increased by the addition of the abnormalities such as gout, male type adiposity, endothelial dysfunction during pregnancy, etc. Currently, the application of nutraceuticals in the form of dietary supplements is gaining increased importance in the management of Ms-associated disorders. Many years ago, Hippocrates, “Father of Medicine,” said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and the medicine be thy food.” The basic principle behind this statement was to focus on prevention. Later, in the year 1989, Dr. De Felice, combined the individual terms, “Nutrition” and “Pharmaceutical” and defined Nutraceutical as, any substance including any food or part of food, that can provide medicinal and health benefits, along with prevention and treatment of disease. These medicinal foods can play a vital role in upgrading the living standard of well-being in terms of immunity booster, health enhancer, and protection against several diseases that is why these are now being used by the individuals due to their several health advantages. Use of pharmaceutical products to manage any disease has always been the choice of the practitioners due to their stability assured by US-FDA, however, they are associated with severe adverse effects, but this is not found with nutraceuticals. Multiple nutraceuticals are marketed however few have claimed to be used especially for Ms namely, vitamins, flavonoids, omega-3-fatty acids, dietary fibers, polyphenols, and various phytoconstituents obtained from traditional herbs and plants. The current chapter reviews the importance and use of nutraceuticals in optimum quantity in the management of various Ms.