Technical measures for translating user needs to system requirements: a case study of a typical high-performance fighter aircraft
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
Date Issued
Chowhan, Kishan S.
Arya, Hemendra
Deodhare, Girish S.
Developing a usable system involves more than considering the user interface. The system should also fit into a context of use and meet user requirements. Successful project depends on meeting the needs and requirements of users or stakeholders throughout the system life cycle. The challenge is to represent user needs and user contexts, so that technical designers can use them directly. This paper highlights the importance of technical process/measures to be adapted in Systems Engineering (SE) for representing user needs and translating them into system requirements, with the goal of meeting user needs much before the delivery of the final system. Since technical measures process is an important part of the needs analysis phase in SE, emphasis is given on the use of technical measures as one of the best practices in SE with real world examples. It is also brought out on how technical measures are effective in performance evaluation of the system, and how they can be used in modelling and simulation to verify and validate the user's needs.