Flood mapping from proxy surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) satellite mission data over India
Geocarto International
Date Issued
Patidar, Girish
Karmakar, Subhankar
Indu, J.
The Surface Water and Ocean Topographic (SWOT) mission is aimed to improve flood mapping by providing high-resolution data of water surface elevation, slope and water extent for rivers wider than 100 m and water bodies as small as 62500 m2. Although, SWOT’s data latency and huge data size of rawest point cloud data make it impracticable for real or near-real-time flood forecasting but the SWOT data will provide new insight in the first-hand information of flood mapping. In this study, we explore the potential of SWOT mission for flood mapping over India. It is observed that the spatio-temporal resolution of SWOT allows the observation of 0.67%, 15.79%, 29.24%, 45.54%, and 8.06% of Indian districts with one, two, three, four and more than four observations per cycle of SWOT respectively. It is observed that SWOT would have observed 49.6% of flood events at least once if the mission were launched earlier. The SWOT could also observe 30.6% of small flood events with flood duration <4 at least once. Using the information, this study proposes a flood severity map by combining geomorphological and physical flood parameters for a reach of Brahmaputra river. From the map different flood severity zones can be observed.