Exploring Boundary Objects in Artefact Based Probes in Capturing Tacit Knowledge
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Date Issued
Dhaundiyal, Dhriti
Sharma, Nishant
Visualization and prototyping tools have been extensively used in facilitation of communication with self and peers in participatory research. The process of 'making' aids participants in expressing tacit knowledge and surface assumptions that are often difficult to identify by other means. The collaborative process of making and creating together gives agency to excluded voices and promotes socially inclusive practices. Artefacts and prototypes are thus valuable in eliciting deep user insights through conceptual, procedural and emotional probes, bringing out preconceptions and assumptions. Artefacts act like 'boundary objects' that bridge gaps in knowledge, perception and experience with a tangible form of expression, creating a shared knowledge and understanding of participants from different backgrounds and experiences. This workshop seeks to explore the use of boundary objects in prototyping in identifying issues of limited usage of public transport by females in India.