Ultrasonic Jet Penetration During Streaming and Cavitation in Liquid Metals
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science
Date Issued
Desai, Jigar
Sharma, Atul
Karagadde, Shyamprasad
An understanding of the penetration of the ultrasonic streaming jet observed during the processing of the liquid mixtures, is critical to achieve optimal processing conditions. In the present work, we investigate ultrasonic streaming with and without cavitation for various fluids, using a validated numerical model and scaling analysis. The present study distinctly identified the two regimes, namely streaming and cavitation dominant regimes, and presented a plausible correlation for ultrasonic streaming penetration depth in liquid metals. Further, the onset of cavitation is corroborated with an appropriate cavitation number based on a sudden acceleration of flows. A scaling analysis is presented to identify the dependency of streaming velocity on the operational parameters and thermophysical properties of the melts, which extends to incorporate high levels of input power and cavitation that are well beyond the scope of the available scaling relations. The scaling and numerical predictions are validated with in-house experimental measurements of the flow field and penetration depth. The present work provides a scaling analysis-based correlation applicable to a wide range of operational parameters and liquid metals. The present work finds applications in the uniform distribution of nano/micro-sized particles in Metal Matrix Composites and microstructure refinement in metallic systems.