Novel Switched Capacitor Quadruple-Boost Inverter Configuration for 3 φ Induction Motor Drive
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Date Issued
Hota, Arpan
Agarwal, Vivek
A novel switched capacitor (SC) quadruple-boost inverter configuration for low-power 3\φ induction motor (IM) drive applications is proposed, which is built by cascading a novel switched capacitor network (SCN) with a traditional six-switch 3\φ inverter (3\φ I). The SCN can boost the input dc voltage up to four times. Compared to a traditional 3\φ\text I, where the dc-link voltage is fixed, the SCN in the proposed configuration facilitates two discrete voltage levels 3 and 4V dc, resulting in a complex two-layer space vector (SV) hexagon. Accordingly, a novel SV pulsewidth modulation (PWM) is proposed to handle a general multilayer SV hexagon, which is then customized to control the proposed configuration. A switching function-based state-space model of the proposed topology is also presented. A comparative study between the proposed SCN and the existing SCNs is carried out to highlight that the proposed SCN has the lowest component count. An experimental prototype of the proposed topology to run a low-power 3\φ IM has been built and operated with v/f control strategy, which exploits the advantage of the proposed multilayer SVM. It is observed that the proposed system performs well. Key experimental results are presented and discussed to support the theoretical claims.