Probing phonon-driven symmetry alterations in graphene via high-order-harmonic spectroscopy
Physical Review A
Date Issued
Rana, Navdeep
Dixit, Gopal
High-order-harmonic spectroscopy has become an essential ingredient in probing various ultrafast electronic processes in solids with subcycle temporal resolution. Despite its immense importance, the sensitivity of high-order-harmonic spectroscopy to phonon dynamics in solids is not well known. This work addresses this critical question and demonstrates the potential of high-order-harmonic spectroscopy to probe the impact of coherent phonons on electron dynamics in solids. A pump pulse excites in-plane optical phonon modes in monolayer graphene, and a circularly polarized pulse is employed to probe the excited phonon dynamics that generates higher-order harmonics. We show that the coherent phonon dynamics alters the dynamical symmetry of graphene with the probe pulse and leads to the generation of symmetry-forbidden harmonics. Moreover, sidebands associated with the prominent harmonic peaks are generated as a result of the coherent dynamics. It is found that the symmetries and the characteristic timescale of the excited phonon mode determine the polarization and positions of these sidebands. This paper opens an avenue in time-resolved probing of phonon-driven dynamical symmetries in solids with subcycle temporal resolution.
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