Programming-RIO: Initiating Individuals into Computational Thinking using Real-world IoT Objects
29th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference, ICCE 2021 - Proceedings
Date Issued
Satavlekar, Spruha
Mishra, Shitanshu
Raina, Ashutosh
Iyer, Sridhar
The paper aims at developing a better understanding of how interactions with the platforms like IFTTT or Alexa Routines that help in configuring complex if-then-else behaviors of real-world Internet-of-Things Objects (RIO) can help in supporting students' learning of computational thinking (CT). We call these platforms "Programing-RIO platforms". We aim at devising pedagogies around these platforms and the IoT devices to introduce CT to the novice students. With the broader research objective of exploring the impact of Programming-RIO on participants' problem solving with computational tools, our specific research objective is to explore participants' computational problem-solving process when they design automation solutions using IoT objects in the real world, using platforms like IFTTT, Google Home app, and Alexa app. Embodied narratives of computational thinking illustrated by the learner's entangled actions and thought processes during the pilot study have been presented in an effort to initiate the learners into computational thinking.