On Index Coded Video Delivery at the WiFi Edge: Performance and System Design
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Date Issued
Chhangte, Lalhruaizela
Karamchandani, Nikhil
Manjunath, D.
Viterbo, Emanuele
Coded delivery has been found to improve content delivery by reducing the data transmitted over a broadcast network. The existing works are mostly theoretical, and do not focus on building coded delivery systems for the wireless edge, especially the WiFi edge. In this paper, we first analyze the potential gains of coded delivery that employs index coding at the WiFi edge. This includes designing a system model and the algorithms therein to study the gains of coded delivery. We also compare the gains due to coding with the gains due to caching. The algorithms include segment coding algorithm at the WiFi AP and a cache replacement policy (LFU-Index) at the end user. The system model is then used as the basis to design and implement Wi-Cache, a coded delivery system at the WiFi edge. Coded delivery in Wi-Cache specifically focuses on improving HTTP based video streaming to WiFi clients. The decoding module at the end user for the coded delivery is implemented as a browser plugin that does not require device side configuration changes. We also present the effect of variable and fixed length video segment size on the perceived performance of video streaming when coded delivery is used.