Reconfiguration, swelling and tagged monomer dynamics of a single polymer chain in Gaussian and non-Gaussian active baths
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Date Issued
Goswami, Koushik
Chaki, Subhasish
Chakrabarti, Rajarshi
In this topical review, we give an overview of the structure and dynamics of a single polymer chain in active baths, Gaussian or non-Gaussian. The review begins with the discussion of single flexible or semiflexible linear polymer chains subjected to two noises, thermal and active. The active noise has either Gaussian or non-Gaussian distribution but has a memory, accounting for the persistent motion of the active bath particles. This finite persistence makes the reconfiguration dynamics of the chain slow as compared to the purely thermal case and the chain swells. The active noise also results superdiffusive or ballistic motion of the tagged monomer. We present all the calculations in details but mainly focus on the analytically exact or almost exact results on the topic, as obtained from our group in recent years. In addition, we briefly mention important works of other groups and include some of our new results. The review concludes with pointing out the implications of polymer chains in active bath in biologically relevant context and its future directions.
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