Enhanced spin wave coupling between array of spin torque nano oscillators in magnonic crystal cavities
Physica B: Condensed Matter
Date Issued
Kumar, Nikhil
Spin wave coupling between nano contact spin torque nano oscllators in asymmetric and symmetric array of antidot MC cavities to obtain sustained spin wave oscillations using supercell plane wave method and micromagnetics is discussed. The SWs were excited by injecting a spin-polarized current into a single nano contact in a L3 magnonic crystal cavity(MCC) and radiate like an end-fire antenna. The SW oscillations are then coupled into one of the guided modes of a magnonic crystal waveguide (MCW). The MCC acts as a SW resonator and spin-torque injection as gain. Together they achieve sustainable oscillations in a manner analogous to the behavior of a laser cavity. The phase locking of arrays of cavities arranged symmetrically and asymmetrically on both sides of a MCW is also discussed. Spin waves are radiated like a broadside antenna. The PSD of the broadside case is 28 dB lower than that of the end-fire case. The obtained value from the micromagnetic simulation is used to find the corresponding point in the guided mode of MCW, and this occurs nearer to the edge of the Brillouin zone. We also investigated the point in dispersion where the maximum energy is coupled from MCC to MCW. The spectral characteristics of the broadside coupling were correlated with frequency pulling effects in the laser cavity. Asymmetric spin-torque excitations on either sides of the MCW cause odd frequency peaks in the PSD characteristics. This can be mitigated when we use MC cavities placed symmetrically on both sides of the MCW, and excite spin waves in each cavity. However, spin waves excited in an asymmetric array of cavities add in phase, yielding a power enhancement with an increase in the number of cavities. Spin waves excited in a symmetric array of cavities add out of phase and result in spin-wave decoherence with an increase in the number of cavities.